Every Sunday I feature a blogger, artist, photographer, makeup artist, actress, socialite or all around awesome person on my blog in a feature I like to call "You Go Girl!" or in some cases "You Go Boy!".
This week Ill be featuring fellow makeup artist, mom and beauty blogger Nancy Power.
I met Nancy back in February when she attended the Toronto Beauty
Bloggers meetup. We drove down together and chatted about everything from blogging to makeup to careers. She inspired me with her business savvy sense and we have been friends every since.
Nancy is currently expecting her second child and so we chatted about health,beauty & pregnancy... Here's what Nancy had to say.

Who is Nancy Power and why are you so fabulous?I am a mom of 1... and 1/2 (due in October) that loves all things beauty whole heartedly!! I have worked for over 5 years in the beauty industry as a makeup artist and started blogging about a year ago as a way to share my passion with a wider audience. As for being fabulous... that is a hard one to answer! I am so thankful that my job brings me so much happiness and allows me to work with and meet amazing people where ever I go! I have had experiences that I never thought possible for a FT mom PT makeup artist and more and more I am amazed at amazing opportunities that come my way!
Where can we find you on the world wide web?
Products I recommend could end in an essay!! haha For me framing the eye's with great brows is a must and I have recently revisited an old favourite with Elizabeth Arden's Dual Perfection Brow Shaping Powder! It creates amazing perfected brows for anyone's needs!
You're in a huge rush, what one beauty product do you grab?
Concealer! My pale skin shows redness quite easily, so concealer allows me to always feel confident!
How did you get your start in this industry?
I started over 5 years ago by working at the counter for several different cosmetic brands. I really found my focus when I decided to free lance after the birth of my son! I knew I didn't want to go back to a 9-5 and my wonderful husband convinced me that it was time to take the leap and free lance so I could both stay home and do what I love. Now I have a flexible schedule and only take jobs that really make me happy!
Are there any beauty reads (mags or books) that you would recommend?
I love books by Kevyn Aucoin he was so talented and skilled at sharing his knowledge in an easy to understand way! I learned a lot from his books when I was first starting out! Also Makeup: The Ultimate Guide by Rae Morris I bought this book last year and really found Rae's approach to makeup interesting!
Are there any makeup or beauty faux pas you really really cant stand?
Too much blush, or unblended blush really bothers me! It is supposed to be a natural flush not a splash of colour! I also cannot stand dark lip liner and light lips, I had a client request it once and I almost fell over! Makeup should enhance your beauty, not make people wonder what you were thinking!
What is your favorite product in your kit to use on brides?
I am a huge fan of great highlighting on brides! I think done well it gives an amazing glow to the skin that shows up beautifully for pictures during that special day! Just remember that if you have having issues with your skin highlighting can accentuate this so use a light hand and only on high planes of the face that are smooth and free from complication!
Do you have a favorite beauty guru/mentor?
Hmmm I can't say I have a favourite but YouTube's Pixiwoo has been a go to for viewing these days! As well I always look forward to my blogger lovelies for tip, tricks and product advice. My faves are in my blog roll and who I follow!!
Being Pregnant, are there any beauty products that you have either had to stop using OR have started using because they help?
I am so lucky that I haven't become sensitive to any of my regular products. My go to addition is Palmers Cocoa Butter Formula Skin Therapy Oil. It soothes dry skin so well, has an easy to use pump for application and has that great cocoa butter smell!
Was there a product you bought due to word of mouth hype that you just weren't pleased with once you tried?
Cover Girls Lash Blast mascara! Heard so many great things about it and EVERYONE loves it! I just couldn't stand it! The brush didn't work for my lashes, it made a mess and didn't stand up to the test at all! I tried several times to make it work for me but it was just a pairing that was never meant to be!!
Favorite foundation, lipstick & mascara?
Foundation for myself is Revlon Colorstay. I have heard of people being sensitive to it, but it has never failed my oily skin for all day wear.
Lipstick isn't something I wear everyday but I really love Besame lipstick. They have vintage inspired packaging and the most beautiful red shades. I also think MAC makes some really nice must have lipsticks!
Mascara is a hard one because I am always looking for the next best one. I always have L'Oreal Voluminous in my kit as I can always trust it! I also love CARGO's Triple Action Mascara!
What can people expect from you in the future?
So hard to say! Once baby comes in October I think I will focus on my blog for a little while but I have been so lucky to have amazing opportunities lately that you never know where I may pop up next!!!
Thanks goes out to Nancy for taking the time to chat with me. I wish her the best of luck in her career and with the delivery of her new baby in about 11 weeks!