Want to get your lips to look pouty and sexy too?
Well here are some tricks and tips to give you that very look.
A lot of women think that when using lip liner you must stay within your natural lip line... false, there are no rules. In fact its one of the oldest tricks in the book to creating that fuller lip.
This trick can work with any liner color however I like to use a color close to my natural lip color for that oh so popular nude lip look. For me that's Mac Cosmetics pencil liner in "Stripdown".

Next on well moisturized lips traces just above your natural lip line starting in the middle of the lip following it down to each corner. Try not to go too far outside your natural lip line or it will begin to look too fake. Always make sure there is symmetry and balance so it looks natural. Next fill in your lips with the liner this will not only help your color last longer but also keep the color consistent.
At this point you can add your favorite lipstick or a natural gloss to add shine and color. A great lipstick that compliments the Stripdown liner is "Angel" by Mac (Kim Kardashians fav) or any pinky nude color would work well to achieve a fab lip.
Now for the pout, in order to create the illusion of more pouty lips add a bit of highlighting powder or shadow to the area just above your cupids bow (the middle of your upper lip) just under your nose. This will help bring that area forward thus creating an illusion of a fuller poutier lip!
Hope this helps those of you wondering how the celebs do it ;)

What are your fav tricks to a fuller pouty lip?
ooohhh love the tips! thanks ^^
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