This got me thinking, do other women do this? I had never heard of this before so of course I turned to trusty old Google and well apparently Japanese women have been shaving their faces for centuries! Upon further investigation I also read that the Late Elizabeth Taylor and Marilyn Monroe shaved their faces too... not sure how true that is but it still makes me wonder just how common this practice is.
I have to admit the thought of flawless younger looking skin totally appeals to me but the thought of putting a razor to my face kinda makes me think Ill just stick to my regular exfoliation routine.
Would you or do you shave your face? Would you ever consider it in your quest for perfect skin?

Um...what about stubble or a 5 o'clock shadow???
Exactly!!! Thats what I would be worried about the baby hair growing thicker.
@ Lauren Haha, that's what I was wondering too :)
no thanks.. i heard about this before and i think i'm good lol
all i picture is that awkward moment your man walks in on you shaving your face lmao
It probably just makes makeup go on better. I won't be doing this. lol
haha I guess you didn't see the south park episode where they poked fun at her shaving her face. I would rather, maybe it's a myth, but once you start shaving somewhere it grows back quicker and you have to keep doing it.
I read years ago that shaving is the reason that men don't wrinkle on that portion of their face as we women do! Really it makes sense and if you look at a vast majority of men where they shave there really is no wrinkling. My most concerning place is around my eye's and I'm not shaving there so I guess this practice won't work for me! hahaha
This is crazy pants. . . no I would not shave my face. I am euro. . it would not end well! haha
Wah??? Ok that's nuts! wouldn't you get razor bumps all over the place too?!? No thanks!
I think it would be so bad for your face. razor bumps, hair growing back thicker, etc. etc.
besides, your skin is GORGEOUS just the way it is!
No way in hail would I put a razor to my face! lol.
its funny because I wonder if we didnt grow up with society saying face shaving was just for men if we would be so against it like the japanese... hmmm things that make you go hmmmm
I honestly thinks it depends on the person...if stubble, razor bumps and hair growing back were not you lots of women would think shaving is the way to go, especially in a society where time is a commodity and the right marketing can sell anything.
I've heard men get fewer fine lines than us women because they shave, and this is a natural exfoliating processus. I'm too scared to cut myself though!
I'm afraid of the consequences of shaving my upper lip and now we're discussing the entire face... And I just don't have the patience to shave my entire face everyday...what happens when you skip a day?
Seriously? That's just crazy talk!
shaving doesn't actually make the hair grow back thicker. if that was the case, men would be shaving their heads to combat receding hairlines!!! it just cuts the hair shaft so that it's a blunt edge rather than a tapered, virgin tip to the hair shaft.
@Lucky - thanks for sharing the link I kinda agree that perhaps the whole "it grows thicker and darker" may be a myth but in the article they also state that when you shave the dots may appear more noticable because its a the hairs are cut straight across and in turn feel more like stubble....
I dont know if im ok with the feel of stubble on my face even if it doesnt actually grow thicker or darker though...
Oh also in talking to my mother about this over the weekend her theory is and she says she read this somewhere. Men don't have as many fine lines where they shave because when they shave they are constantly moving their jaw side to side to get every angle.
She read that this helps stimulate the facial muscles and in turn helps with wrinkle prevention.
Something to think about....
Interesting idea. Could be top beauty tip of the century! Not too sure if it will catch on, but what a neat thought (if it works!). Something to consider. For us – more information/proof required.
Guess what? I did it. I was so curious about it and being the daredevil I am, I went for it full force. Apparently the thickness of hair growth depends on the follicle, and since you're not affecting the follicle the hair will not grow in thicker. Genetics play the part of thick stubbly shadow(like on men) and if your hair is not already thick and coarse, then you really have nothing to worry about. My face feels amazing, its so bright, and no shadow! The problem with waxing and threading is you can cleanse afterwards but you can get pimples from exposing the pores and broken follicle, shaving does not allow this to happen as as long as you've got a clean face, you'll probably not get ingrown hairs or pimples. :)You can't knock it until you try it right? I'm so glad I did!
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