Cucumber is the perfect treat for summer skin also. Reduce that heat-induced greasy feeling, soothe itchiness, tighten pores, reduce eye puffiness, and reveal truly radiant, dewy-fresh skin with the cooling, refreshing ways of cucumber.
Because cucumbers are packed with goodness they are used in many homemade recipes and are the secret to some of the easiest beauty tricks!
Prevent pimples & blackheads:
Grated cucumber, applied over the face and neck for 15 to 20 minutes, works as an excellent tonic. Regular usage prevents pimples, blackheads and dryness of face.
Brighten a dull complexion:
Add a dash of lime juice and rose water to cucumber juice and apply it over the facial skin to brighten a dull & greasy complexion.
Glowing Skin:
A lotion of equal quantities of cucumber juice and milk with a few drops of rose water, applied on the face for 15 to 20 minutes, will keep sensitive skin soft and glowing. This lotion also has a mild bleaching effect.
Remove Dark Circles:
Add 1 tsp cucumber juice to 1 tsp potato juice. Apply this to the skin around your eyes very gently, taking care not to pull or stretch it. Then relax for 15 minutes. This is quite effective in removing the dark circles under the eyes.
Mix the juice extracted from cucumber, lemon, and orange with equal volumes of rosewater, glycerin and honey. This could them be applied to the skin to tone it and to promote its youthfulness and health.
Hair Growth:
Drinking a mixture of cucumber juice and that of carrot regularly stimulates hair growth. The high content of silicon and sulphur in cucumber juice nourishes the hair, nails and skin.
Minimize hair damage caused by swimming:
Swimming in a pool with chlorinated water can cause much damage to your hair also. Try this treatment to keep chlorine damage to the minimum. Blend together 1 egg, 3-4 tbsp worth of olive oil and 1 quarter peeled cucumber. Spread evenly through your hair, leave on for 10 minutes, and then thoroughly rinse.
Sore throats:
Gargling with fresh cucumber juice several times daily serves as a soothing, cooling and healing remedy for painful sore throats.
As a laxative:
Cucumber juice exhibits mild laxative it clears the bowels and increases the flow of urine.
Puffy, tired eyes:
Applying a simple eye pad using slices of cucumber over the eyelids and lying down. Rest for 15 minutes, then remove cucumber.
Weight loss:
Cucumber being very high in minerals and low in calorific value, it is highly valued for weight reduction. So those who wish to reduce weight can bite into a juicy cucumber, whenever they feel a pang of hunger, instead of munching any other junk food. A liberal intake of the juice is particularly helpful to diabetic patients who are overweight.
Healthy diet:
A dieting consisting exclusively of cucumber or an occasional fasting using cucumber juice will ensure the cleanliness of the internal system - which is absolutely essential for good health.
Cure Blemishes:
Intake of cucumber juice as well as applying a mixture of equal quantities of cucumber juice, rosewater and 70% alcohol is effective in curing disfiguring black spots and blemishes, especially caused by mosquito & other insect bites.
Increase your fiber intake:
Adding a cool cucumber to your salads is a good way to increase your fiber intake, as it is loaded with fiber and lots of extra fluid needed while consuming more fiber.
Bug bites or sunburn:
If you have sunburn or the “itchies” from bug bites or poison ivy, this is just about the simplest way to find cooling relief out there. It’s refreshing, draws out the itch, and it isn’t messy: Thinly slice 3-5 cucumbers and place on a plate.
Lie face down in a comfortable position in a warm place. Have a friend place cucumber slices all over the back side of your body, so they are just touching but not overlapping. Use about half the total slices. Rest quietly for 10 to 20 minutes to allow the cucumber slices and juice to penetrate your skin.
Remove the slices. Turn over and apply the rest of the slices to your front side. Relax for 10 to 20 minutes. You may want to rinse off afterwards, but it is best not to shower for at least four hours, as the cucumber will continue to work on the skin during that time.

I have a cucumber in my fridge. I'm putting it to good use tonight!
I love the smell of products with cucumber in it - so fresh!
I've been making salads nearly every day - and I make sure to include a lot of diced cucumber. I mix it up with my rice - so overall I eat less carbs - but I still feel full and satisfied :-)
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