Ive wanted to try out some Lush Cosmetics products for honestly years but just never got around to it. It seems that Lush stores are few and far between in Toronto however I was recently at a mall that happened to have a Lush store and made my first purchases.
I bought the BIG shampoo (which ill talk about in my part 2 post), some soap since they had a 3 for 1 deal and this Lemony Flutter Cuticle Butter.
I had heard good things about this cuticle butter online and since getting my bio gel nails taken off 9 months ago my nails and cuticles have been horrible. I was somewhat surprised to see how small the container was when I saw it in person, its about 2.5" width and 1.5" deep or high.
At a cost of $11.95 cdn + tax I asked if I could test it out before I purchased and without batting an eye the helpful ladies at the store showed me the tester. Once I felt the texture I quickly realized that the small size wouldn't be such an issue because a little bit goes a very long way with this product.
I brought it home and have been using it every night before bed. I LOVE the lemony scent and the fact that you can also use this product on areas like elbows, heels and toes as well as your cuticles.I have begun to notice that I no longer get dry sometimes painful skin around my nail beds and my fingertips now feel like they are getting some much needed TLC!

I love how they show you who your product was handmade by :) makes it almost feel personal.

The consistency of the butter... its like Shea butter

I would recommend this product if you have been looking for something to help your dry cuticles or even any other dry area that isn't too large because this is a thick paste that would take you forever to cover lets say dry legs lol.
It smells wonderful and does a fab job. What I love even more about LUSH is that they have a back to Lush program kinda like Mac does. If you return any 6 black containers such as the one this cuticle butter is in you get a free face mask!
I would love to hear about your Lush experiences and fav products or your thoughts on this product as well.
Stay tuned for part 2 tomorrow where I review the BIG shampoo!
It smells lemon-y? lol
I can't wait to see your Part 2.
I'm going to try Lush one of these days.
I have never tried lush products but I want too =)
Many netizens recommend me lush products.
I've never tried any LUSH products either, but have been tempted over the last little while. The cuticle butter in particular is something that has caught my eye, so maybe I need to pick it up! Winter months have left my hands a bit dry, and it sounds like this would help.
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