Every Sunday I feature a blogger, artist, photographer, makeup artist, actress, socialite or all around awesome person on my blog in a feature I like to call "You Go Girl!" or in some cases "You Go Boy!".This week Ill be featuring reality star, published author and intelligent beauty Jennifer Bunney!
If Jen Bunney's name doesnt ring a bell for your, your obviously not a fan of "Laguna Beach" or "The Hills"! Jen was occasionally seen on "Laguna Beach" before moving to Los Angeles and making a few appearances on "The Hills." in season 2! While she may be remembered for the controversy she stirred up between Lauren Conrad and Heidi Montag back in Season 2, there is more to Jen Bunney than her character on reality TV.
She's been very low key since her time in The Hills but with rumors swirling about a possible new reality show with her BFF Heidi Montage after her split with husband Spencer, her name is once again buzzing in the media.
I recently got the chance to chat with Ms.Bunney and was surprised that she was SO down to earth and incredibly sweet. I really got the impression she wanted people to know the REAL Jen Bunney and to let others know there was more to her than the character that appeared on tv.
Jennifer Bunney talks openly with me about beauty, plastic surgery, where shes been since appearing on tv and her future plans.
So Miss Bunney tell us a little about who are you & why are you so fabulous?
I am pretty much your average girl, I don’t consider myself special or better than anyone else for having been on TV, but I am excited that people seem interested in wanting to see my life. I love sharing things and important issues with other people and fans especially if it can help them in anyway.
Where can we find you on the world wide web?
Twitter.com/jenniferbunney, I’m really getting into the whole thing for the first time, I just love reaching out to people, its amazing how many people on there really want your advice and to hear your personal stories, and I’m humbled by it.
What beauty products would you recommend to other women and why?
This is one of my favorite topics! I am really into finding the best makeup brands and experimenting, I think I have tried every product out there! Really! One thing I can’t live without is my Laura Mercier ILLUMINATING tinted moisturizer, I mix it in with my foundation, Bobbi Brown, and it gives me that dewy glow that always makes me look rested, and healthy, even when my skin is dull and tired. If its too dewy I dust mineralized MAC pressed powder over it till I achieve my desired level of “glow” . I guess this is my biggest makeup trick. Also, when I’m done and especially if I haven’t been in the sun lately, I use Dior’s airbrush spray lightly all over my face, it finishes my makeup and gives that just back from a tropical vacation look!
Your favorite beauty treatment is?
Indulging in hair products, I learned that shampoo and conditioner don’t matter! Drug store brands work just fine as long as your hair is not seriously damaged. No need to break the bank for great hair. The thing that matters is what you put in your hair after you wash it! Leave-In conditioners, its all about leave-in conditioners. Think about it, shampoos only stay on your hair for a few minutes, leave-in treatments work on your hair all day till you wash it next! My favorite leave in treatment right now is K-Pak color therapy restorative oil. A dime sized drop does wonders for my ends, which get fried from curling and straightening.
What are your thoughts on plastic surgery?
I had rhinoplasty. It was a decision I made because my nose was something I really didn’t love about myself, and I knew that it wouldn’t change me from the inside, it would only make me happier outside. But, I did it for the right reasons, I didn’t do it to get more attention, or have somebody love me more. I did it for me. And I’m very happy with my decision. As far as other people go its not my place to judge anyone, for anything, plastic surgery is an individual choice for sure, and you really have to be that person to know if it’s the decision.
You have been both a brunette and a blonde so tell us which has more fun?!
Well if I have to be honest I can say that people treat me slightly differently depending on my hair color! Its crazy. I get taken more seriously as a brunette, but definitely get more attention from the opposite sex as a blonde. I’de say they are both fun and it depends on the “look” your going for, if you want to be mysterious and sultry, go brunette, if you want to have that fun-loving carefree vibe, go blonde!
We haven't seen you on reality tv in a few years what have you been up to?
I have been up to so much, I graduated USC with a degree in neuroscience, I am also now a published first author of a scientific research paper I had been working on during college, and I applied to medical school and business school. I was fortunate enough to get into both and now I have to decide if I want to be a doctor or get my MBA and do business! True beauty is about getting an education...not about the best outfits!!! >J Cameras will get to follow me through my decisions, and I hope that this can help people who are going through similar life problems.
There are rumors you're getting back into the reality tv game with another certain blonde, what prompted this return and what can viewers expect?
That’s a little underwraps right now, but viewers can expect to see the REAL me, not just the superficial image that is often portrayed on reality television shows. If I can help just one person by being real and allowing people to relate to my life issues then it will all have been worth it. I want to show people an unedited look of who I am and where I’m going. I have the regular issues such as boyfriend problems, friendship issues, and self-confidence struggles, but I also have serious decisions to make in the real world, like whether or not to get my M.D and be an official doctor for the rest of my life treating sick patients, among other more serious issues as well, to me that’s unique, not superficial, and I think if people, ESPECIALLY young women, can see that women can get an education, and become intelligent and have amazing REAL careers, like being a physician, it might, create a new kind of role model that I think the world which is so swept up in celebrities, fame, glitz and glamour really needs.
Who is your favorite fashion designer and why?
I don’t have ONE favorite designer,I love to mix and match, and one thing I’ve learned is you don’t need money to dress amazingly. I shop at cheap stores as much as I do expensive ones, you can find anything any where. I love to mix a pair of expensive jeans, with $15.00 shoes, and a tee-shirt, faux-leather jacket, and then spend extra time on makeup and hair. You only need one nice item to an outfit for it to be fabulous, if even that. I’ve found amazing outfits just at Forever 21, its all about how savvy a shopper you are!
Favorite career highlight & why?
I would have to say academically, getting into my top choice medical school, University of Texas, a few days ago, its been my dream, I focused on it, I worked hard, I sacrificed and I achieved, it was such a miracle to have my hard work pay off. Entertainment wise, it would have to be filming Laguna Beach, when I was only 17, everything was so new then and innocent, friendships were so real, and since we stayed in and filmed in our little town, Laguna Beach, nothing was tainted by Hollywood, it was pure. I loved it! The experience was something I will continue to remember fondly.
I'm often seen without: A) mascara or B) Lipgloss C) neither Both are a must!!
I can been seen without a lot of things but mascara is definitely not one of them. It’s the one makeup must! It brightens up all your features, and most importantly your eyes, which in my opinion is the foundation to looking fabulous. I love the makeup brand Fresh for my mascara, it does a great job but comes off easily at the end of day, which is important if you don’t want to pull out your lashes when taking off your makeup!! Losing an eyelash always makes me a little sad haha
What can people expect from Jennifer Bunney in the future?
Hopefully a lot, I don’t care about being a celebrity, at all, which is hard for people to grasp because its such a desired status in today’s society. I’m doing TV again to show people that being famous is not success. I’m going to show my real, down to earth life, with my everyday issues, not how rich I am (I’m not), or how much better I am than someone else because I have more paparazzi following me. I really hope people can expect me to ALWAYS remain humble, ALWAYS have time for everyone, never take anything for granted and most importantly give away as much as I get. Those are things in life that are really important to me and my fans can definitely and always expect that from me.
And there you have it, the REAL Jennifer Bunney!!
Having chatted with her first hand I can honestly say she was nothing but warm, sweet and friendly. No attitude, no snobbish behavior, no drama! I had a great time interacting with her and am so glad I found out there was more to her than what I saw on TV :)
BIG thank you JBun for taking the time to answer all my questions.