Last night we had our much anticipated (mostly by me and the hubs) gender reveal party for Baby B! We invited a small intimate group of our immediate family and a handful of close friends to our place to celebrate with us.
It all started early this week when I went for my scheduled 19 week anatomy ultrasound (often when you also find out the gender). Apparently baby was in an awkward position and although the tech could get most of the measurements she couldn't get all. I had mentioned before we started that I didn't want to know the sex but that if she could find it to write it down on a piece of paper I had brought with me. Turns out she wasn't able to make a sure assessment so I left there with an appointment to come back in 2 weeks and no gender results.
With the gender reveal party already planned for Friday I called my husband to let him know the results of the ultrasound (mostly that baby looked healthy). He then took matters into his own hands and booked me a 3D ultrasound at BabyView for that afternoon!
We walked in kinda skeptical that they too wouldn't get us an answer but was greeted by Cheryl who made us feel welcome and confident that we would have a great experience. Once I explained to her our whole finding out with our family she was excited for us and asked us to close our eyes so she could scan for the gender. Once she had done that we got to see baby (which Scott says looks like a ninja turtle lol) moving around which was a very cool experience.
Cheryl then wrote down the gender for us and placed it in a sealed envelope for us. We were so thrilled with our experience at BabyView that we are going back at 30 weeks to see baby look more like baby and less like a ninja turtle :)
With the results in hand we handed it over to a friend of a friend who then passed it along to our wonderful friend and owner of Custom Cakes By Jenz (whom also made our wedding cake!). She was the only one that knew our secret and when she arrived on Friday with the cake we could not have been more pleased, I mean just look at it!
Once everyone got there and we had a bite to eat it was time to cut the cake and reveal if we would have a baby girl or boy :) We had taken a poll and it seemed to be pretty evenly split!
Well, I'm so pleased to announce we are expecting a baby...............
My reaction?
Complete shock! Since most everyone had been saying boy I guess deep down I assumed boy so once I turned around and saw the pink cake I started to cry I guess because I was taken off guard and so happy all at the same time. Everyone started yelling GIRL and the room filled with watery eyes, laughter and hugs.
This was truly a special day for both Scott and I and I would not change finding out WITH our family and friends for the world! It was so amazing to have them share in that moment and the videos and photos will be in our memory forever to hopefully show our baby one day.
I want to send a huge thank you to every one of our friends and family who came and made it so memorable. Special thanks goes to my dear friend Jen who made our cake and kept our secret, to our friend Josh who we have to thank for these awesome photos and to Cheryl at BabyView who was so sweet and also kept our secret ;)
coolest idea EVER!!!
What a beautiful cake and your reaction photo is just beautiful and so perfectly timed! What an awesome keepsake for your baby girl! Congrats :)
Congrats!!! So very excited for you!! Great job capturing these precious moments!!
awww congrats! We're having a girl too...we didn't have a preferenace before but I was so thrilled to have a mini me when we found out.
Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy!
What a fantastic idea! (I may have to borrow it someday =P) Congratulations - baby girls are incredible! :)
Congrats Farah! I love love LOVE that cake and have bookmarked Jenz's site in case of a future party. :) To be honest, I didn't even know Gender Reveal was a actually event?! That's such a cute I want to do it when I'm pregnant!
Yay congrats Farah. That's awesome news. A baby girl! Let the clothes shopping begin.
What a sweet way to find out! Congratulations!
Congratulations! I'm new to your blog and I'll definitely be back for more!!!
We did something similar except we baked a separate cake for each set of grandparents
Congrats! What a wonderful cake too! I hope it tasted as good as it looked.
Thank you so much everyone we are beyond thrilled and cannot wait to meet our little girl :) It was such a special moment for us to find out along side of our family and friends that will never be forgotten :)
Yay!!! as a mom to all boys, you can imagine my excitement (and jealousy) over a baby girl!!! congratulations!! and that is one beautiful cake!
beautiful. this is so touching it brought tears to my eyes! Congrats to you and your hubby :)
awwwww what a cute way of finding out!!!! so cute and fun!! and that cake... gorgeous!!!
What an awesome way to do that!! Love it! Congrats again!
This is just beautiful Farah and your expression was priceless! I love this idea of revealing the sex by cake!! Amazing! Your lil' girl is going to be gorrrgeous like mama! ;)
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