Im not really sure what I expected pregnancy to be like but its been nothing like what was in my head. We have faced challenges and continue to face them, the pregnant glow lasted only a few weeks and then lead to break out city :( and because my placenta is in front (according to my midwife) I probably wont "feel" the baby until much later.
Everyday I thank god for the blessing inside my belly though and look forward to each ultrasound and dr's visit where I get to take a peak or heart the baby's heart beat.
Baby B's first stuffed animal.. Introducing Lambie :)
congrats! i'm likely behind in reading as i didn't know you were in the family way. what wonderful news xoxo
Congratulations! :)
Thanks ladies its going by fast!
@Major Gal yeah i just did a quick get im preggo with a few pics post a few weeks ago lol ill be talking more about it now though
Every step is so exciting! 9 months seems like a long time - but I think new moms need it to get used to the whole idea of having a baby - at least that's how I first everything seemed so new and scary, but by the time I came to full-term, I was more than ready to meet my kiddies and be a mom :-)
Congratulations!! So happy for the both of you.
This made me smile hard :))) I cant wait to meet my future niece/nephew, and see you as a mama (Finally!)
How exciting! I am so happy for you. Being pregnant and having a baby is the most amazing experience you will ever have. Enjoy each and every second because it will fly by oh so boys are now 28, 25 and 11...I did enjoy every second but sometimes I really miss having a baby around. Congratulations and all the best to you! :-)
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